Washington State Net

Welcome to the Home Page of the amateur radio cw traffic net which services the state of Washington. The operators on this net use the Morse Code (cw) mode of communication. They ENJOY the art of cw, and welcome other amateur radio operators to become active in the net.

The WSN meets daily at 7:30 AM and 6:45 PM, Pacific Local Time on a frequency of 3563 KHz (7038 KHz and 1818 KHz alternates). The Net is part of the National Traffic System, sponsored by the ARRL (American Radio Relay League). The net handles formal written traffic (messages) within, in, and out of the state. Net members also check into other cw and voice nets, to coordinate traffic between the WSN, voice nets, RN7 (Seventh Region Net), and PAN (Pacific Area Net).

The net manager is Guy Fiola, N7YRT

All radio amateurs with license privileges for 3563 KHz are welcome to check into the net. If you have never checked into a cw net, you might want to review cw traffic net procedures in the WSN Instruction Manual. Checking in is a good way to help keep your cw skills up to par. There is also a wealth of traffic handling information included in the ARRL Public Service Communication Manual. A basic primer on creating a radiogram is available. Lists of cw abbreviations for traffic handling, International Q Signals, and QN signals (for net use) are included for your reference.

Check out the Net Roster and photos to find the calls, names, and photos of hams in your area which regularly check into the Net. Any of them will be glad to help you. CW folks are very friendly!

C U on WSN

Toolkit for Handling Messages and Net Operations

Other Interesting Links related to WSN

Comments and suggestions for this page may be sent to:
Don Felgenhauer K7BFL
Revised October 2, 2015

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